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Better Planning: Child Care Tips From The Frontline

Hello. I'm a mum with seven children under ten years of age. As you can imagine, all aspects of child care have become the centre of my life. Finding child-friendly products, appropriate play groups and suitable child care facilities are challenges I face on a daily basis. Of course, I'm much more relaxed now after seven children, and I know exactly what products, play groups, and facilities to look for. I figured that other parents might be able to use some of the hacks I've learnt along the way. I hope you find my entries entertaining and informative. Happy parenting!

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Better Planning: Child Care Tips From The Frontline

Early Learning Programs and How They Assist with Skill Building

by Soledad Gomez

Early learning programs are vital to the education of young children. These learning programs help begin developing skills in reading, writing, and logic. These developing skills are later built upon in further educational classes. If these skills are important to you, or your child has special educational needs, you may be concerned about the early learning programs available.

Here are some of the programs your local childcare centre may offer. 

School Readiness

School readiness is an early learning program that helps students prepare for a daily routine school environment. This readiness program gives children the skills they need to advance in basic core subjects. For example, children are taught their alphabet as well as basic numbers one through ten. They may also learn shapes, colours, how to spell and write their name, and information about the days of the week and months of the year. Each of these learning skills will help children as they make their way through their daily school routines. 

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play can consist of many skills that can help your child. For example, children can work on their dexterity with climbing and balance. They may also learn how to ride a bicycle or to balance on a scooter or some other form of riding device. Outdoor play also teaches children how to socialize with each other and how to work with others in an outdoor play environment. In addition to these skills, children can also learn about waiting their turn and how to be mindful of the other activities going on around them.

Electronic Readiness

Electronic readiness is something that many parents may not consider as part of an early learning program list. With computers and tablets being used in the classroom on a more routine basis, an early introduction to electronic resources is vital. This introduction may include teaching children how to operate different basic electronic devices or how to find areas in the device such as apps and word processing software. 

If you need specific early learning programs for your child, discuss the options available with your local childcare centre. An instructor or administrator can discuss your full options. They can also help you determine which ones you need and which ones may be beneficial to your child and their learning type. When you are ready, the administrator can help you with enrollment in the learning programs of your choice. 

Reach out to a local early learning program to learn more.
